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How To Hire Front-End Developers: A Complete Guide

In today’s digital world, having a stunning and functional website is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Whether you’re building a brand new platform or revamping an existing one, the user experience (UX) plays a critical role in your success. According to Baymard Institute, an overwhelming 88% of online consumers indicate that they are unlikely to revisit a website following a negative experience. This number represents the importance of user experience on your website.

And the people in charge of ensuring UX, crafting exceptional UIs (user interfaces) and interactive elements are front-end developers.

But how can you find the perfect front-end developer to bring your vision to life? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and best practices to attract, evaluate, and hire front-end developers.

What Exactly Is Front-end Development?

Front-end development, often referred to as client-side development, is a specialized area of web development that focuses on creating the user interface and user experience of a website or web application. Front-end developers are responsible for creating the visible elements of a site that users interact with directly.

In simpler terms, front-end development is concerned with everything that users see and interact with within their web browsers. When you visit a website, the layout, design, fonts, colors, buttons, forms, and animations you encounter are all part of the front-end development.

Front-end development meaning

Their main duties of front-end developers may include:

  • Implement user interface (UI) designs
  • Build responsive websites
  • Develop interactive features for websites
  • Optimize your website speed & performance
  • Ensure cross-browser compatibility
  • Test and debug code to identify and fix issues
  • Collaborating with designers and back-end developers

Front-end Developer Hiring: Essential Skills to Look For

A front-end developers need to have various skills and qualities. Here are some essential skills to consider while hiring front-end developers:

  • Proficiency in HTML, CSS and JavaScript: You need to look for front-end developers who can use these 3 programming languages proficiently because they’re fundamental for building web pages and applications. HTML structures the content, CSS handles the styling and layout, and JavaScript adds interactivity.
  • Knowledge of frameworks and libraries: Hiring a front-end developer who knows well about popular frameworks and libraries such as React.js, AngularJS, or Vue.js can enhance development efficiency and maintainability.
  • Responsive web design: Front-end developers need to ensure that websites display properly and provide a seamless user experience across devices and screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Version control and code management: Expect the front-end developer to be familiar with version control systems like Git and understand best code management and collaboration practices.
  • Understanding of APIs and data fetching: Many modern web applications rely on APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to communicate with external data sources. Front-end developers also need to deeply understand APIs to ensure their smooth working process.
  • Testing and troubleshooting: Front-end developers should be skilled in testing their work and debugging to identify and resolve issues efficiently.
  • Soft skills: Effective communication, teamwork and problem-solving are essential for any successful project. Anticipate how the front-end developer communicates, responds to inquiries, and collaborates with team members.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire Front-end Developers?

The cost of hiring front-end developers can vary significantly based on the location of the developers, their level of experience, the complexity of the projects, and the specific terms of the employment or contract.

The cost of hiring front-end developers

On Upwork, the hourly rate of a front-end developers are:

  • Beginner: $15 per hour
  • Intermediate: $35 per hour
  • Advanced: $55+ per hour

Here’s a breakdown of median incomes for in-house front-end developers by level based on our research:

Experience level Salary range per year
Entry-level $50,000 – $70,000
Mid-level $80,000 – $90,000
Senior $110,000 – $120,000

When setting a budget for front-end developers, it’s crucial to undertake market research and consider your projects’ particular needs. Additionally, bear in mind that these numbers could have changed since our last update; therefore, for more precise and up-to-date information on front-end developer salaries, it is advised to reference recent industry data and employment trends.

Which Are The Best Places To Hire Front-end Developers?

Which are the best places to hire front-end developers?

To find front-end developers, you can source talent from various places. Here are some channels to hire high-qualified front-end developers:

  • Online job boards: Websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal help you find freelance front-end developers for your project and LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor are some effective channels to hire full-time front-end developers.
  • Front-end development communities: Platforms like Stack Overflow, Hashnode, GitHub are 3 communities of front-end developers that can give you many potential candidates.
  • Professional events: Attending front-end development meetups or some events about UI/UX can help you connect with talented developers.
  • Universities’ career centers: Cooperate with these centers from universities to access a pool of front-end developers at entry-level or even excellent alumni who are seeking projects.
  • Development agencies: Many agencies provide front-end development services for customers. You can choose one of these agencies to contact and ask for more details.

Empower your business with Mageplaza’s unparalleled expertise in hiring top-notch front-end developers. Here’s why choosing us will take your web projects to new heights:

Mageplaza development services
Mageplaza development services
  • Vast talent pool: Gain access to a diverse and highly skilled talent pool of front-end developers with expertise in cutting-edge technologies and frameworks. We meticulously vet candidates to ensure you find the perfect match for your project.
  • Proven track record: With a successful history of delivering exceptional talent to businesses worldwide, Mageplaza has earned a reputation for excellence in the tech hiring industry. Our clients trust us to bring them the best.
  • Tailored solutions: We understand that each project is unique, and so are your requirements. We tailor our recruitment process to your needs, ensuring a perfect fit for your team.
  • Streamlined hiring process: Save time and effort with our efficient and seamless hiring process. We handle the screening, interviews, and evaluations, so you can focus on what matters most – your business.
  • Competitive advantage: By choosing Mageplaza, you gain a competitive advantage with a team of front-end developers who are committed to delivering outstanding web experiences that captivate your users.
  • Ongoing support: We’re not just here for the initial hire. Mageplaza provides ongoing support to ensure your front-end development team continues to thrive, with access to training, workshops, and talent management guidance.


How To Hire Frond-end Developers: 5 Steps to Follow

Defining Your Requirements

To find the most suitable candidate, you need to define your requirements about a potential applicant. Build a form with these 4 categories to evaluate candidates effectively:

  • Technical skills: Include knowledge of HTML, CSS JavaScript, front-end frameworks and libraries and understanding of APIs, version control systems.
  • Experience: Define which level you’re looking for (junior, intermediate, senior). Specific project types (websites or applications) to find candidates with relevant experience.
  • Soft skills: Provide clear criterias for soft skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, time management, project planning, etc.
  • Samples: Offer clear instructions on requirements for attaching samples or portfolios so candidates can showcase their past projects.

Writing a Compelling Job Description

How to hire front-end developers

To recruit top-tier front-end for your project, creating a compelling job description is essential. Here are some practical tips:

  • Mention the genre of your project: Front-end development for a web page and for an application are totally different. Remember to mention the project genre to have candidates with relevant experience.
  • Highlight growth opportunities: Underscore career opportunities in your company. Some applicants may be particularly interested in the potential learning experiences and professional development they can expect while working with you.
  • Ensure a clear application process: A transparent instruction on how candidates can apply for your job and what they should attach in their resume can help you find excellent front-end developers.
  • Mention some key benefits: These benefits can be very simple such as remote working policy, flexible working hours, paid training and development.
  • Make it short and clear: Make sure to use bullet points, clear headings and avoid jargon to provide a clear job description.

After having a captivating JD, you can post it on various channels that we mentioned in the part just above to attract candidates.

Screening Resume

When you have some potential candidates, take time to screen their CV. Here are some tips to filter their resumes when hiring front-end developers:

  • Highlight keywords from the evaluation form and use them to choose applicants that match the skills and experience.
  • Evaluate candidates’ projects to ensure they have expertise and experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • Focus on any noticeable achievement, especially measurable results from candidates’ previous works.

Interviewing and Testing Candidates

Round 1: Phone interview

To choose the high-qualified front-end developers, conduct a short interview to check their communication style and basic skills. Follow this tutorial:

  • Introduce yourself, offer a brief overview of your team and company.
  • Ask about their education, background and experience in game development.
  • Evaluate their understanding of technical terms and skills by posing some fundamental questions.
  • Offer clear information about projects such as expectations, timeline, working style.
  • Ask about their motivation for applying to your team.
  • If possible, ask them the reasons for their departure from their previous company.
  • Discuss the salary and benefits the candidate wants.

Round 2: In-person interview

During an in-person interview, you have the chance to evaluate the candidate’s technical and soft skills. People who should be present in this interview are the technical lead, project manager and recruitment specialist.

Follow this structure for a successful in-person interview:

  • Technical test: Provide a technical problem related to your project and observe how the candidate approaches and overcomes this challenge. If possible, organize a coding test to evaluate their coding style, syntax usage and explanation of the working process.
  • Behavioral questions: Prepare some behavioral questions using STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to dive deep into candidates’ experiences and soft skills.
  • Company culture fit: Discuss with candidates their interactions within a team and expected outcomes to determine alignment between you and the candidate.

Contact and Make A Deal

  • After the interview and evaluation process, contact the selected candidate and discuss the terms of employment or contract, including compensation, work hours, and any additional benefits or perks.
  • If you are hiring a freelancer or outsourcing, make sure to agree on the scope of work, timelines, and payment terms.


Remember, hiring goes beyond technical expertise – look for developers who are passionate, collaborative, and possess strong communication skills. With the right approach, you can find a front-end developer who will not only translate your ideas into a functional website but also craft an exceptional user experience that exceeds expectations.

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