Magento 2 Factory Object
Vinh Jacker | 12-18-2024
In this part, we will talk about Factory Object for model in Magento 2. As you know in OOP, a factory method will be used to instantiate an object. In Magento 2, the Magento 2 Factory Object do the same thing.
The Factory class name is the name of Model class and append with the Factory
word. So for our example, we will have TopicFactory class. You must not create this class. Magento will create it for you. Whenever Magento’s object manager encounters a class name that ends in the word ‘Factory’, it will automatically generate the Factory class in the var/generation folder if the class does not already exist. You will see the factory class in
To instantiate a model object we will use automatic constructor dependency injection to inject a factory object, then use factory object to instantiate the model object.
For example, we will call the model to get data in Block. We will create a Topic block:
Content for this file:
namespace Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Block;
class Topic extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
protected $_topicFactory;
public function _construct(
\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context,
\Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Model\TopicFactory $topicFactory
$this->_topicFactory = $topicFactory;
public function _prepareLayout()
$topic = $this->_topicFactory->create();
$collection = $topic->getCollection();
foreach($collection as $item){
As you see in this block, the TopicFactory object will be created in the _construct()
function. In the _prepareLayout()
function, we use $topic = $this->_topicFactory->create();
to create the model object.