How to use Command Line Interface CLI

In this tutorial, we will talk about Command Line Interface (CLI) in Magento 2. As you know, from Magento 2, they add many commands in bin/magento. This topic sounds not easy to approach, but let me explain more detail in this tutorial.

An overview of Command Line Interface in Magento 2

Command Line Interface as known as CLI is a text-based user interface that is used to view and manage files. It connects a user to a computer program or operating system. Users interact with a system or application by typing text (command lines). They can issue a series of command executed by the system or program based on the response interaction. Besides CLI, systems also provide users with Graphical User Interface (GUI).

How to use Command Line Interface in Magento 2

When you run command in terminal:

php bin/magento



You will get the list of Magento 2 command line available, this list includes custom command line

 command [options] [arguments]                                                                                              
 --help (-h)           Display this help message                                                                            
 --quiet (-q)          Do not output any message                                                                            
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug   
 --version (-V)        Display this application version                                                                     
 --ansi                Force ANSI output                                                                                    
 --no-ansi             Disable ANSI output                                                                                  
 --no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question                                                                  
Available commands:                                                                                                         
 help                                      Displays help for a command                                                      
 list                                      Lists commands                                                                   
 admin:user:create                         Creates an administrator                                                         
 admin:user:unlock                         Unlock Admin Account                                                             
 cache:clean                               Cleans cache type(s)                                                             
 cache:disable                             Disables cache type(s)                                                           
 cache:enable                              Enables cache type(s)                                                            
 cache:flush                               Flushes cache storage used by cache type(s)                                      
 cache:status                              Checks cache status                                                              
 catalog:images:resize                     Creates resized product images                                                   
 catalog:product:attributes:cleanup        Removes unused product attributes.                                               
 cron:run                                  Runs jobs by schedule                                                            
 customer:hash:upgrade                     Upgrade customer's hash according to the latest algorithm                        
 deploy:mode:set                           Set application mode.                                                            
 deploy:mode:show                          Displays current application mode.                                               
 dev:source-theme:deploy                   Collects and publishes source files for theme.                                   
 dev:tests:run                             Runs tests                                                                       
 dev:urn-catalog:generate                  Generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd mappings for the IDE to highlight xml.    
 dev:xml:convert                           Converts XML file using XSL style sheets                                         
 i18n:collect-phrases                      Discovers phrases in the codebase                                                
 i18n:pack                                 Saves language package                                                           
 i18n:uninstall                            Uninstalls language packages                                                     
 indexer:info                              Shows allowed Indexers                                                           
 indexer:reindex                           Reindexes Data                                                                   
 indexer:reset                             Resets indexer status to invalid                                                 
 indexer:set-mode                          Sets index mode type                                                             
 indexer:show-mode                         Shows Index Mode                                                                 
 indexer:status                            Shows status of Indexer                                                          
 info:adminuri                             Displays the Magento Admin URI                                                   
 info:backups:list                         Prints list of available backup files                                            
 info:currency:list                        Displays the list of available currencies                                        
 info:dependencies:show-framework          Shows number of dependencies on Magento framework                                
 info:dependencies:show-modules            Shows number of dependencies between modules                                     
 info:dependencies:show-modules-circular   Shows number of circular dependencies between modules                            
 info:language:list                        Displays the list of available language locales                                  
 info:timezone:list                        Displays the list of available timezones                                         
 maintenance:allow-ips                     Sets maintenance mode exempt IPs                                                 
 maintenance:disable                       Disables maintenance mode                                                        
 maintenance:enable                        Enables maintenance mode                                                         
 maintenance:status                        Displays maintenance mode status                                                 
 module:disable                            Disables specified modules                                                       
 module:enable                             Enables specified modules                                                        
 module:status                             Displays status of modules                                                       
 module:uninstall                          Uninstalls modules installed by composer                                         
 sampledata:deploy                         Deploy sample data modules                                                       
 sampledata:remove                         Remove all sample data packages from composer.json                               
 sampledata:reset                          Reset all sample data modules for re-installation                                
 setup:backup                              Takes backup of Magento Application code base, media and database                
 setup:config:set                          Creates or modifies the deployment configuration                                 
 setup:cron:run                            Runs cron job scheduled for setup application                                    
 setup:db-data:upgrade                     Installs and upgrades data in the DB                                             
 setup:db-schema:upgrade                   Installs and upgrades the DB schema                                              
 setup:db:status                           Checks if DB schema or data requires upgrade                                     
 setup:di:compile                          Generates DI configuration and all missing classes that can be auto-generated    
 setup:install                             Installs the Magento application                                                 
 setup:performance:generate-fixtures       Generates fixtures                                                               
 setup:rollback                            Rolls back Magento Application codebase, media and database                      
 setup:static-content:deploy               Deploys static view files                                                        
 setup:store-config:set                    Installs the store configuration                                                 
 setup:uninstall                           Uninstalls the Magento application                                               
 setup:upgrade                             Upgrades the Magento application, DB data, and schema                            
 theme:uninstall                           Uninstalls theme                                                                 

Or you can see similar to this screenshot

magento 2 command line

Command line category

We can divide the list into the following categories:

Next we will take few examples of each category.

Cache command line

How to check status of cache type(s)
php bin/magento cache:status


                    config: 1
                    layout: 1
                block_html: 1
               collections: 1
                    db_ddl: 1
                       eav: 1
                 full_page: 1
                 translate: 1
        config_integration: 1
    config_integration_api: 1
         config_webservice: 1
How to Clean cache type(s)
php bin/magento cache:clean


$ php bin/magento cache:clean                  
Cleaned cache types:                           
How to flush cache type(s)
php bin/magento cache:flush
How to check enable, disable cache type(s)
php bin/magento cache:enable
php bin/magento cache:disable

advanced command:

magento cache:enable [type] ... [type]
magento cache:disable [type] ... [type]

E.g of disable full page cache

magento cache:disable full_page

Indexer command line

Check indexer status by the following command

php bin/magento indexer:info

We will get result:

design_config_grid                       Design Config Grid
customer_grid                            Customer Grid
catalog_category_product                 Category Products
catalog_product_category                 Product Categories
catalog_product_price                    Product Price
catalog_product_attribute                Product EAV
catalogsearch_fulltext                   Catalog Search
cataloginventory_stock                   Stock
catalogrule_rule                         Catalog Rule Product
catalogrule_product                      Catalog Product Rule
How to Reindex Data
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
How to Reset indexer status to invalid
php bin/magento indexer:reset
How to Show Index Mode
php bin/magento indexer:show-mode


$ php bin/magento indexer:show-mode

Design Config Grid:                                Update on Save
Customer Grid:                                     Update on Save
Category Products:                                 Update on Save
Product Categories:                                Update on Save
Product Price:                                     Update on Save
Product EAV:                                       Update on Save
Catalog Search:                                    Update on Save
Stock:                                             Update on Save
Catalog Rule Product:                              Update on Save
Catalog Product Rule:                              Update on Save
How to Set index mode type
php bin/magento indexer:set-mode {realtime|schedule} [indexer]


magento indexer:set-mode schedule catalog_category_product catalog_product_category

Deploy command line

Commands syntax:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy <lang> ... <lang> [--dry-run] 

How to run deploy static content

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

It will display as the following:

$ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Requested languages: en_US
=== frontend -> Magento/blank -> en_US ===

By default it will run deploy static content of default language: en_EN

If you want to deploy static content of another language such as: pt_BR


php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy pt_BR

Then get result:

Requested languages: pt_BR
=== frontend -> Magento/luma -> pt_BR ===
... progress indicator ...
Successful: 1613 files; errors: 0

=== frontend -> Magento/blank -> pt_BR ===
... progress indicator ...
Successful: 1620 files; errors: 0

=== adminhtml -> Magento/backend -> pt_BR ===
... progress indicator ...
Successful: 1626 files; errors: 0

=== Minify templates ===
... progress indicator ...
Successful: 858 files modified

How to get admin path via command line

Do you know? You can get admin path without access to etc/env.php file.


php bin/magento info:adminuri


$ php bin/magento info:adminuri

Admin URI: /admin

So the path is /admin, now navigate your browser to to access to Magento 2 backend.

How to enable maintenance mode via command line

Enable maintenance mode

php bin/magento maintenance:enable


$ php bin/magento maintenance:enable
Enabled maintenance mode

Disable maintenance mode

php bin/magento maintenance:disable

Allow IPs to access to the store

Sets maintenance mode exempt IPs

php bin/magento maintenance:allow-ips


php bin/magento maintenance:allow-ips
Set exempt IP-addresses:

How to set Magento Developer mode or Product Mode

Show current Magento 2 mode

php bin/magento deploy:mode:show


$ php bin/magento deploy:mode:show
Current application mode: default. (Note: Environment variables may override this value.)

Currently, we are in default mode, let switch to Developer mode

php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer


$ php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Enabled developer mode.

Congrats! Now your store is running in Developer mode. Happy coding ;)

Wrap up

You can use Command Line Interface to do different tasks in Magento 2. If you want to implement all the processes in Magento 2 correctly, it’s important to know how Command Line Interface work and how to use it. I hope this tutorial helped you to acquire what you want. Thanks for reading!

Image Description
With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.

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