How to Run Compile Command Line in Magento 2

In this tutorial, we will talk about How to Run Compile Command Line in the continuation of the Command Line Series.

As you know, from Magento 2, they add many commands in bin/magento. To make it easier to understand and practice while the compilation process might take a longer time, I will show you how to run compile command line correctly.

Steps to Run Compile Command Line

Go to Magento admin root folder and show usage:

php bin/magento setup:di:compile --help

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Generates DI configuration and all missing classes that can be auto-generated

Syntax to Unlock Admin user

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Output of compilation :

Compilation was started.
Interception cache generation... 7/7 [============================] 100% 19 secs 280.0 MiB
Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.


It’s pretty easy to run compile command line in Magento 2, right? I hope you follow this tutorial and get things done easily. Don’t forget to share this post with your Magento friends to help them out. Feel free to contact us for a further discussion.

Thanks for reading!

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With over a decade of experience crafting innovative tech solutions for ecommerce businesses built on Magento, Jacker is the mastermind behind our secure and well-functioned extensions. With his expertise in building user-friendly interfaces and robust back-end systems, Mageplaza was able to deliver exceptional Magento solutions and services for over 122K+ customers around the world.