WooCommerce Developers

Need WooCommerce expertise on your team? Mageplaza makes it easy to hire skilled WooCommerce developers. They join your team, focusing solely on your project goals.

Our developers bring deep knowledge of WooCommerce’s architecture, integrations, and customizations. With their expertise, your online store will be built to excel and convert.


Looking for experienced WooCommerce developers?

At Mageplaza, our WooCommerce developers are not only skilled in crafting exceptional WooCommerce solutions but also bring extensive experience in e-commerce website development. Here’s what makes our developers the perfect choice for your WooCommerce needs:

Extensive experience: Developers with 10+ years in WooCommerce, handling customizations to high-performance stores.
Certified experts: Our WooCommerce-certified developers also hold certifications in PHP and JavaScript, offering a well-rounded skill set for your project.
A track record: With 1,500+ projects completed, our developers consistently overcome challenges, meet deadlines, and exceed expectations.

How can WooCommerce developers support your store?

A hired WooCommerce developer brings hands-on expertise to meet your store’s specific challenges. Here’s how they help:

Set up your store

A WooCommerce developer installs, configures, and launches your store. They handle essential tasks like payment setup, tax settings, and shipping options to make sure your store is ready to sell.

Build custom features

Your hired developer creates unique, business-specific features. This includes adding custom product pages, personalized recommendations, or tailored checkout processes to enhance customer experience.

Provide integration support

A developer connects WooCommerce to key tools such as inventory management, CRM, and email marketing software. This enables smooth data flow between systems, so you can manage orders, customer info, and marketing from one place.

Manage migrations

For platform migrations, a WooCommerce developer safely moves all data, including products, customers, and order histories. They ensure that no data is lost and test everything post-migration to guarantee full functionality.

Customize and develop themes

Our developers make a theme that matches your brand. They customize layouts, colors, fonts, and other details, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly design.

Develop custom plugins

For advanced functionality, your developer builds plugins that provide features WooCommerce doesn’t offer by default. This can include custom filters, payment methods, or loyalty programs tailored to your business.

Core competencies of our WooCommerce developers

Our WooCommerce developers bring a range of technical competencies and tools to build, customize, and optimize your store for an exceptional e-commerce experience:


Backend development

Skilled in PHP for WooCommerce functionality, MySQL for efficient database management, RESTful APIs for integrations, and JSON for seamless data exchange.

Magento Site Audit

Frontend development

Proficient in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, with advanced styling using Sass, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap to create responsive, visually engaging front-end experiences.

Magento Site Audit

Performance & usability enhancements

Skilled in optimizing site speed, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and implementing intuitive navigation to create seamless user experiences tailored for e-commerce.

Development tools

Equipped with WP-CLI for streamlined WordPress management, Git for version control, Docker for containerized environments, and staging environments for secure testing.

Flexible ways to hire WooCommerce developers

Hire WooCommerce developer on an hourly basis

from $15/h

Ideal for businesses needing flexible, cost-effective solutions to address specific tasks or small-scale updates.
Pay only for the hours worked, ensuring maximum flexibility and cost-efficiency.

Hire WooCommerce developer on each package

from $999/p

Choose from predefined packages designed for mid-sized projects with clear deliverables.
Includes services like custom plugin development, performance optimization, and more.

Hire WooCommerce developer on fixed project basis

custom pricing

Best suited for large-scale or one-time projects with well-defined goals.
From planning to delivery, we provide end-to-end WooCommerce solutions tailored to your vision.

Seeking WooCommerce expertise to transform your digital projects?

Hire WooCommerce developer today
Hire WooCommerce Developers

WooCommerce developer hiring process

Step 1

Initial consultation

We start with a detailed 30-minute consultation to understand your project needs, technical requirements, and desired outcomes. With over 1,500 successful projects completed, we leverage our expertise to identify the right skills for your team.

Step 2

Developer interviews

From our pool of pre-vetted WooCommerce developers, only the top 5% of candidates are shortlisted based on your requirements. You then conduct interviews to ensure the developer aligns with your technical goals and team culture.

Step 3

Negotiate rate

Once you select a developer, we work together to finalize a competitive rate. Starting at just $15/hour, our transparent pricing guarantees expert support within your budget.

Step 4

Sign NDA and work contract

To safeguard your project, we arrange a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and a clear work contract. This ensures confidentiality and establishes terms, giving you peace of mind.

Step 5


Our onboarding process is completed in less than 48 hours, integrating the developer seamlessly into your team. They receive all necessary tools, access, and project details to start delivering results from day one.

Why choose Mageplaza?


middle to senior developers


years of experience in technology


succesful project

Let's talk!

122,000 clients have been prospering with our services. It's your turn now!

  • Free 1:1 consultation
  • Free 2-month support after the project
  • 10+ years of experience in E-commerce
Consult with us for free
Hire WooCommerce Developers

Explore other services

In addition to hiring WooCommerce developers, you may find value in exploring these complementary services to enhance your eCommerce platform:

Shopify app development

Hire WordPress developers

For a WooCommerce store to truly excel, it requires a strong WordPress foundation. By hiring WordPress developers, you ensure your site is optimized for performance and integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce

Shopify app development

Hire PHP developers

If your WooCommerce project demands advanced backend functionality or complex customizations, hiring PHP developers! As the core programming language behind WooCommerce and WordPress, PHP is essential to build high-performance eCommerce platforms.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Agile development methodologies are followed by Mageplaza which implies continuous communication with clients, developing closely with them, and iterative development cycles. Using this method, projects are completed on time, within budget, and are closely aligned with the customer’s requirements.

Mageplaza provides 2 months of support and maintenance services to keep your WooCommerce store updated, secure, and operational. We do regular updates, security patches, and bug fixes so you have a working store.

Absolutely. Mageplaza’s WooCommerce developers are able to work with your current development team or agency closely to offer their knowledge and resources to support your project progress.

Our developers follow the industry's best practices and apply strong security methods, which include secure coding practices, continuous vulnerability testing, and security plugins and protocols. We also do security assessments and hardening services to ensure that your WooCommerce store and customer data are secure from any threats.

Mageplaza surely has powerful Woo developers who are able to tackle the most challenging customizations. If you need to integrate advanced features, develop custom functions, or personalize your store to suit your unique business needs, Mageplaza is well-equipped to develop specialized solutions.

Our pricing models are varied and can meet any project's needs and budget. The pricing can be fixed based on a fee for certain deliverables, an hourly rate for continuing development and support, or a retainer for long-term engagements.